The Spike and Ember Showcase

Welcome to the Spike and Ember showcase!

Welcome to the Spike and Ember showcase!

The set includes Ember, Spike, Ember's Dragon-lord Staff, A new take on her armor, Spikes Elements of Harmony Shield, a clunky set of old, over-sized armor for Spike and a play-sword made of wood.

The set includes Ember, Spike, Ember's Dragon-lord Staff, A new take on her armor, Spikes Elements of Harmony Shield, a clunky set of old, over-sized armor for Spike and a play-sword made of wood.

Spikes armor is intended to look clunky and over-sized. He will play the part of the funny man to Embers straight man in the upcoming animation of the two.

Spikes armor is intended to look clunky and over-sized. He will play the part of the funny man to Embers straight man in the upcoming animation of the two.

Ember will enter the animation looking serious and formidable only to be showed up by Spike who will waddle onto stage in his over-sized armor, trip and break the tension.

Ember will enter the animation looking serious and formidable only to be showed up by Spike who will waddle onto stage in his over-sized armor, trip and break the tension.

The Spike and Ember Showcase

Welcome to the Spike and Ember Showcase. Ember and Spike include a full texture set and are a 3D interpretation of the 2D Flash characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is magic. In the future I will rig and animate the two together. Ember and Spike are property of Hasbro. ALSO check out the Making of Ember and Spike: